
New sanctuary in Chesapeake Bay watershed will protect the “Ghost Fleet” of more than 200 shipwrecks

马里兰州银泉市[2019年5月31日]- National 保护 and preservation groups joined local community partners to celebrate an important milestone toward the designation of a new national marine sanctuary at Mallows Bay in the Potomac River. 的 sanctuary is expected to be finalized by the end of 2019 and will be the first designated in 19 years.

的 proposed Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary encompassing 18 square miles contains a unique and rich legacy that spans American history, from Native American culture to Revolutionary and Civil War era activity to industrial era steamboat transports and historic commercial 钓鱼 operations. 它最突出的特点是“幽灵舰队”,或200多艘沉船的残骸, including more than 100 wooden steamships built as part of America’s engagement in World War I that are oftentimes emergent above the waterline.  It will be the first national marine sanctuary within the Chesapeake Bay watershed and will be jointly administered by NOAA, 马里兰州, 和查尔斯县.

克里斯·萨里是国家海洋保护区基金会的总裁兼首席执行官, 说, “当你参观马洛斯湾,在水下舰队的残骸中划桨时, 它把你带回历史, 与此同时,还能享受到如今以沉船为家的丰富的野生动物. 锦葵湾是一个特别的地方,值得永远保护. 国家海洋和大气管理局国家海洋保护区办公室, 参议员卡丁, 范·霍伦参议员, 国会议员霍耶, 马里兰州自然资源部, 和查尔斯县 worked with a broad coalition of stakeholders to designate this site and we appreciate all of their efforts.”

“Designating the Ghost Fleet in Mallows Bay the Chesapeake Bay’s first national marine sanctuary is a fitting tribute to a unique cultural and natural resource that provides a tangible link to important chapters in U.S. 历史上,” 凯瑟琳Malone-France, 国家历史文物保护信托基金会的临时首席保护官. “We commend NOAA for taking this action to promote a historic place that conveys the rise of American industrialism, 聪明才智, 公民战争的努力预示着我们国家作为世界强国的崛起. 这一指定将确保更多的美国人能够体验到这个特殊的地方.”

“We’re thrilled to learn that Mallows Bay is now another step closer toward becoming the first National Marine Sanctuary designated in nearly 20 years and the first in the Chesapeake,” 十大赌博正规老平台协会总裁兼首席执行官乔尔·邓恩. “马洛斯湾是切萨皮克的瑰宝之一, 一个充满我们国家历史的地方, 繁荣的生态栖息地, 距离美国首都只有很短的车程. 这是一个值得全国和国际关注的地方, on par with the likes of Everglades National Park or the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.”    


“This shipwreck sanctuary would not be possible without the vision and leadership of historian Don Shomette and the strong support of Charles County and numerous historical, 休闲, 保护, 旅游, 印第安人和教育团体在过去的五年里,” 史蒂夫·邦克,棉花湾之友的主席. “This great team will be critical in the months and years ahead as we work to better connect the public to the rich history, 这个地区的自然美景和娱乐机会.”

的 Ghost Fleet of the Mallows Bay site includes more than 200 wrecks that span three centuries of maritime heritage. 是西半球最大最多样化的沉船收藏地, 幽灵舰队被列入国家史迹名录,并被命名为 国家宝藏 由国家历史保护信托基金赞助. 随着时间的推移, these abandoned ships became the foundation for a rich habitat for endangered and threatened wildlife, 包括秃鹰, 苍鹭, 和鱼鹰, 水獭和海狸, 以及众多的鱼类.  

位于华盛顿特区以南不到40英里处.C., 它将成为离我们国家首都最近的国家海洋保护区, opening new possibilities for building support for the National Marine Sanctuary System among the public.

这个拟议的保护区为教育和推广机会提供了充足的潜力. Mallows Bay是一个双人室外教室 海洋守护者 马里兰州的学校, where it is a safe space for students to explore and learn outside of the traditional framework and off of screens. 保护区, 包括锦葵湾, 是户外教室的样板吗, 让孩子们在户外学习技能,并对环境领域产生兴趣. 最近, 与全国黑人水肺潜水员协会合作, Diving With a Purpose and Junior Scientists in the Sea have provided in-pool dive instruction for high school students and introduced other advanced technologies that one day may be the inspiration for academic and career pursuits.

锦葵湾是划独木舟的好去处, 皮划艇, 钓鱼, 观鸟和其他户外娱乐活动, 使其成为该地区的经济引擎. 的 sanctuary designation will enhance the site’s 旅游 and recreation potential thanks to elevated awareness, 整个保护区都有新的项目和增强的公共入口, 与当地企业建立新的联系. 不像那些被完全淹没的沉船的海洋遗产, 从岸上可以看到锦葵湾的历史和生态资源, readily accessible by kayak and brought to life with an interpretative water trail guide available on-site. 该网站也有很大的研究前景, 保护, 公民科学, and 教育al opportunities because of its unique maritime features and connection to the Chesapeake Bay.

America’s National Marine Sanctuary System includes 13 marine and one Great Lakes sanctuaries and two marine national monuments. 这些独特的水域一直处于危急状态, 令人惊叹的海洋栖息地为濒危和受威胁物种提供了家园. 它们保存着美国丰富的海洋遗产,是活生生的科学实验室, 研究, 教育与保育. 保护区 also offer world-class outdoor recreation experiences for all ages and support local communities by bringing billions of dollars to their economies. Communities across the nation look to sanctuaries to protect nationally significant areas of our ocean, 沿海地区, 和五大湖.

的 State of Maryland submitted the nomination for Mallows Bay-Potomac River in 2014 in partnership with Charles County and a diverse coalition of local, 州和国家社区成员.



国家海洋保护区基金会, established in 2000, is the official non-profit partner of the National Marine Sanctuary System. 的 Foundation directly supports America’s national marine sanctuaries through our mission to protect species, 保护生态系统,保护美国的海洋遗产. 我们通过社区管理和参与项目来完成我们的使命, 水上保育计划, 公共教育和推广项目, 以及科学研究和探索. 基金会鼓励以解决方案为导向的创新项目, 可扩展和可转移, and develop strategic partnerships that promote the 保护 and recovery of species and their habitats. 欲知详情,请浏览 marinesanctuary.org.

国家历史保护信托基金是一家私人资助的非营利组织,致力于拯救美国的历史遗迹.  SavingPlaces.org | @savingplaces

十大赌博正规老平台的 mission is to conserve and restore the natural and cultural resources of the Chesapeake Bay watershed for the enjoyment, 教育, 这一代和子孙后代的灵感. 我们让环保团体有机会接触到最新的数据和技术. As principal partner for the National Park Service on the Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network and the Captain John Smith 切萨皮克国家历史步道, we helped create 153 new public access sites and permanently protect some of the Bay’s special places like Werowocomoco, 黑水国家野生动物保护区, 哈丽特·塔布曼地下铁路国家历史公园, 和门罗堡国家纪念碑. vrr6kl.422121.com